Sunday, 19 February 2012

Diary #2

A lot of you liked the previous post and wanted to see more of my personal life so here it is, the second diary post. For now I'm just gonna lay down on the couch with a hot cup of milk with honey since I'm not feeling very well.. I hope I don't come down with the flu or something 'cause I have a lot of fun things to do this week! So stay tuned on twitter or facebook! ;-)

You're looking at/ I'm addicted to collars these days! This one is a present from Hannes/ My boyfriend is not only the sweetest guy ever, he is also the best cook you can imagine/ Back home after spending the night in Ghent because of the snow/ My cat doesn't like the cold weather haha/ View from my room/ My first invite to an event as a blogger!/ New rings from h&m/ Italian dinner with the family/ The project for school I finally finished this week/ My new Chloé Susan boots lookalikes

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  1. love the diary, the cat, the boots and pretty everything!

  2. Love your peter pan collar!

  3. Die collar is geweldig! :)


  4. Die collar is supermooi! Je vriendje kan heel goed cadeautjes uitpikken voor jou blijkbaar ;)!

    XO Aline

  5. Great post. I love the photo of your cat and the from your room with the snow...


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